torstai 28. marraskuuta 2013

Word-baking in Runosmäki library 14.11. 2013

What do words taste like?

Poems in Finnish and Swedish were exhibited together with words from the poems as bisquits. People could taste the words and also decorate bisquits with their own favourite words. Interesting interaction when some people wanted to leave their own words for others to eat, for instance "happiness" and "tree of life".

"Airing thoughts"

Walking interactive art exhibition in Turku 8.6.2013

(Preparing the walk)


1-30. April 2013, Turku City Library. 
Is there a connection between digesting a book and digesting food?

The project was a co-operation with 20 pupils from St. Olof Middle school in Turku and librarians from Turku City Library. The pupils and librarians were asked to document their own reading habits: what they eat when they read a book or watch a film, how and where they sit.

"Whether or not a war memorial", Kiel, 2003

Taking part in the exhibition: an edible installation with concepts connected to war and terrorism.

maanantai 25. marraskuuta 2013

"Working situations" in Hyvinkää

"...but I have got used to it and as I always say: everything is not so bad, after all" (woman, age 76, about her bad sight caused by chemicals used the early days of the textile factory).

Hyvinkää is a small town north of Helsinki with a long industrial tradition. Lots of people were left unemployed when the textile factory moved abroad in 1989.

In 1996 I interviewed old workers and wrote exerpts from their stories on pieces on wood. These pieces were placed in different places in the town centre.